{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Ameren_Street_Lights", "guid": "6EB2C63D-2745-4282-BC8B-078779613600", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Re-added as a separate layer (outside of Richmond Heights 22) so that the attributes display correctly in map viewer classic. This is a temporary fix to make the layer both editable and to solve a bug in MVC that prevents attributes from loading correctly on this layer.\n\nA similar problem exists for all the layers between City Limits and Sidewalks, but we are not applying the same solution at this time.", "description": "", "summary": "Re-added as a separate layer (outside of Richmond Heights 22) so that the attributes display correctly in map viewer classic. This is a temporary fix to make the layer both editable and to solve a bug in MVC that prevents attributes from loading correctly on this layer.\n\nA similar problem exists for all the layers between City Limits and Sidewalks, but we are not applying the same solution at this time.", "title": "Ameren Street Lights", "tags": [ "richmond heights" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -90.3617958217165, 38.6187295825586 ], [ -90.3070411168828, 38.6409841019601 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }